2023 was the year we began to reinstill pride among our people by shining renewed focus on our industry’s ability to drive positive change.
Our collective purpose of We Are The Changers was brought to life through myriad projects and initiatives, including MFA EX in Sydney and Melbourne, ramping up our sustainability mission, recognising individuals making a difference as Changers of the Week, and raising over $47,000 for charity through the NGEN Charity Cup and the MFA Awards, among other projects.
Advertising Pays, commissioned in partnership with the AANA and ACA, was a critical initiative highlighting our industry’s ability to influence change, for society, culture, the economy, our businesses and our careers. Conducted by Deloitte Access Economics, the report quantified advertising’s economic impact as $53 billion, 2.1% of the GDP, providing an important proof point of the value of our industry.
In pulling together the list of our 2023 achievements for this annual report, I was struck by the extent of active participation by thousands of individuals within our community. Whether volunteering on MFA committees, acting as mentors, undertaking training, inspiring us at MFA EX, creating content for the MFA e-learning programs, this is indeed an industry of engaged, passionate and enthusiastic Changers, committed to making us all better at what we do. I wouldn’t want to work in any other industry.
Sophie Madden, CEO, MFA

Our focus as an industry over the past 12 months has been firmly on positive change. As our purpose declares, We Are The Changers, and I’m proud of the work the MFA is doing in leading a sustainable, respected, inclusive and future-proofed industry.
With growing challenges ahead, we will remain steadfast in our vision to be the pre-eminent, trusted and valued authority on media communications for all stakeholders: MFA members, clients, media owners and government.
Peter Horgan, CEO, OMG & MFA Chair
Established in 1997, the MFA exists to champion a DYNAMIC and VALUED media industry.
As an alliance of media agencies, we are a FORCE that makes the industry better at what we do for clients.
We do this by Inspiring, Educating, Celebrating and Advancing our industry.

We inspire our industry to be proud of what they do,
to create brilliant work and be the best they can be.
Inspired 2,500 media professionals at MFA EX
– that’s two-thirds of our Sydney and Melbourne industry!
MFA 5+ Inspiration Series provided the challenge and knowledge to more than 1,000 attendees to elevate our industry’s leadership skills and business acumen.
Over a quarter of our industry embraced SBS Inclusion training. And the Changing Perspectives series is opening our minds.
80% of our community contributed to our fourth industry Diversity, Equity and Inclusion report, providing important data to measure our industry’s health and set us up for collective success.
Raised over $47,000 for charity through the NGEN Charity Cup and the MFA Awards.

We Are The Changers
Our industry purpose, creating pride in our ability to influence change - now recognised by over 60% of our industry.

We advance our industry by solving challenges, anticipating change and tackling issues that impact our members.
9 industry collaboration projects to simplify, automate, and enhance how we work, ultimately delivering better client outcomes.
Quantified advertising’s economic impact as $53 billion, 2.1% of the GDP, through the Advertising Pays report, an important proof point of the value of our industry for Government.
Enhanced trust and transparency in Out-Of-Home through the development of improved metrics, an industry-standard Impression Multiplier, trading standardisation, and independent verification standards with the OMA.
Helped to inform the Government’s response to the Privacy Report, safeguarding our industry.g
Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols.
Developed alongside the AANA and IAB, industry solutions to the ACCC Ad Tech inquiry recommendations to the Privacy Report, safeguarding our industry.

We educate our people with world-class skills and knowledge to build successful and brilliant careers.
1,700 people certified through completing MFA e-learning programs - with 25% of the cohort being clients and media owners.
Updated over 30 university lecturers and 300+ students on the latest trends and case studies demonstrating the dynamic nature of our industry.
Equipped the 2,800-strong active NGEN community with the skills, knowledge and peer network to have successful industry careers.
7 out of 10 people working in our industry today have built their career with NGEN.

Provided over 32,000 hours of training and
164 training events to our industry.

We celebrate our people, our work, our careers and our industry.
18 Campaigns rewarded for their effective and innovative works at the MFA Awards.
With Belinda Rowe inducted into the MFA Hall of Fame, and Chris Winterburn recognised for his contribution to our industry.
700+ NGENers celebrated the conclusion of their training year at the annual NGEN Halloween party: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
And… recently we introduced Changer of the Week, celebrating colleagues making a difference – big or small.

More than 500 media professionals came together to recognise and reward our most effective work at the MFA Awards.

More than 615 industry leaders, subject matter experts and passionate industry champions gave up their time to mentor, train, inspire and advance our industry.
100+ industry leader mentors at MFA 5+ events.
56 expert trainers created MFA e-learning content.
180+ MFA Committee members, contributing more than 3,300 hours to making our industry better.
Over 20 media owners and industry bodies supported the MFA and our industry.

We exist to champion a DYNAMIC and VALUED media agency industry